rolling dice
now i'm jumping on the questions again, losing all my senses again - i'm a rolling dice and i don't think twice, i gave my heart away

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location: MVA's heart & soul
oh look - the sky is falling!

/the end.
December 5, 2010 / 5:22 PM

I won't be updating this blog anymore;
click HERE to be redirected.

Thanks for following <3

le love - for best friends.
November 24, 2010 / 12:06 AM

This one also goes out to all the best other-gender best friends in the world. The ones that pick you up late at night for supper, just to take you out of your head. The ones that show you not all the men in the world are screw-ups and traitors, the ones that help you believe that good people still exist in the world. The ones you can laugh with without wanting to kiss, the ones who can give you that insight into that boy's soul you've been dying to know. The ones who swear they'll beat up / get the triads to beat up the poor sod who had the poor judgment to cheat on someone as wonderful and incredible as you even though it's the first night they've met you. This one goes out to all the incredible best other-gender best friends in the world who stuck around even when you abandoned them because your possessive ex-boyfriend went loco every time you even spoke to them. The ones that love you exactly the way you are, the ones that don't mind you snuggling against them just for a warm body without asking for anything more, the ones that come all the way down to the club from home just to drive you home, the ones that cry with you when you sit in your darkness wondering what you've done to deserve such betrayal from the one boy you'd give anything for. The ones that hurt with you when you're drowning in your darkness, the ones that hurt because they see your pain and can't do anything to touch you, to help you.

cmun 2010
November 22, 2010 / 6:19 PM

Sooo .. my internet's up and running again :D

Eventhough I'm terribly exhausted and not in the best of moods,
I had a pretty awesome weekend (:
Friday and Saturday started out badly,
but walking around downtown on Sunday definitely made up for it .. though it was really sad that we lost people along the way. I'm happy that I met new people, and since they might be coming to CAHSMUN I can't wait to see them again in a few months.

I actually learned a lot this weekend .. actually. On being more independent, and just shrugging off the attitude that rolls off some people. Not to miss the elevator, because it means running up flights and flights of stairs to reach the 34th floor. Realizing how fake people can get but there's always something good to make up for it. And how being yourself is the key to everything. I walked into each committee room not knowing what to expect, but now I realize (well, for me anyways) that's it's better not to expect anything but to just go with the flow .. like a river. The most exciting part was going through three emergency crises, one after the other, though that's probably why I'm so dead today, HAHA (including the fact I've been coming home at midnight and waking up at 6:30 am the following day). Favourite council ... definitely a tie between the European Union and the Security Council. They had the friendliest people, so it was fun just chilling there. UNEP had the most entertaining Chair, and Commonwealth was intense since they kept yelling outside. One thing I'm going to take away from this weekend: CONFIDENCE IS KEY.

I am ridiculously excited for CAHSMUN,
eventhough that's months and months away.
I have to look up the SFU one too .. hmmm.
Or I'll just ask Lauren about it :p

p.s. thanks for putting up with me today <3

November 20, 2010 / 10:42 AM


CMUN day 1
November 19, 2010 / 10:12 PM

European Council is officially one of my favourite committees to be an observing state.


dreading tomorrow
November 15, 2010 / 4:32 PM

my mood will plummet once school ends.

note to self: look for the wallet tashya gave me
song playing: fall back down - LIGHTS

really happy that the MUN people are back (:

M.C. Escher
November 14, 2010 / 3:17 PM

"So let us then try to climb the mountain, not by stepping on what is below us, but to pull us up at what is above us, for my part at the stars; Amen."